Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit CF-I-1141 Better Categories for searching for mods (Specifically Minecraft).

Minecraft client mod category Merged

I had this idea in my head for a very long time now, and finally i am writing about it!

Imagine wanting to find mods that you want to use on a vanilla server, like better mob animations, better achievement pop up, item drop animations, dynamic surroundings, etc.

Most of the time you really got to search the name or scroll through other categories for quite a while before you can find some that you like, at least I have that problem myself.

Introducing the clientside category!:

  • Gone are the days you have to scavenge client-side visuals or HUD improvements, you can find them in here!

  • Find mods that you can use in modpacks, vanilla AND modded servers without having the problem of adding features that will probably break modpacks by adding new keybinds or incompatible mechanics.

  • Easily find new mods that make the game visually more pleasing and keep it vanilla friendly!

I think this category would help a lot of people out (i know it would help me definitely) and will be very usefull for people who would want to keep it vanilla, while making the game look better, more simple, and/or more immersive, so I really hope this category gets added to the website, and thank you for reading this ramble about my suggestion.

  • Guest
  • Aug 21 2021
  • Future consideration

Hold on!

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