Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit CF-I-1141 Better Categories for searching for mods (Specifically Minecraft).

Additional labels/tags for mods (initially - to mark existing mods translations) Merged

At the moment, I need to open each mod individually to check it's description and see if it has translation to my language or not.

It's not convenient.

So, I see two options:

1. List of languages with checkboxes for those who upload mods

2. An opportunity to add our own lables/tags in CusreForge App (they should remain on the mods after their refreshing).

First option:

+ would be great for us - mods users

- would add a little bit more stuff to do for mods creators

Second option:

+ wouldn't request more actions from mods creators (they wouldn't have to do anything additional)

- would add a little bit more stuff to do to us - mods users

+ could be also used by users to mark mods for which they donwloaded translations by their own, or to mark mods that aren't requeired translations at all

+ could be used not only for translations

Mods already have green lables/tags. So user lables/tags or languages labels/tags could have another color (f.e. - orange).


  • Tatyana V
  • Dec 16 2022
  • Future consideration

Hold on!

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