Merged idea

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Beta website - unresponsive to screen width Merged

The new beta website is unresponsive to a narrow display, such as if you were viewing it on half of a typical monitor (Windows Key + Right) without any zoom.

Right now the css rules enforce .curseforge-header and .container to have min-width:1272px. This looks great on wide screen, and appears designed to accomodate the sub-nav and other elements that contain lots of padding/margins.

If you used tricks like clamp(__px, __vw, __px) then a lot of elements could respond by shrinking a little without changing the overall look and feel.

For example, the below looks identical on a full-screen monitor but makes everything fit nicely on a half-screen:

/* e11885a218aad80f.css | */

.curseforge-header nav .curseforge-logo {
/* width: 264px; */
/* margin-right: 32px; */
width: clamp(220px,25vw,264px);
margin-right: clamp(16px,2vw,32px);

.nav-links .nav-link {
/* padding: 2px 16px 0; */
padding: 2px clamp(8px,1vw,16px) 0;

.curseforge-header .btn-feedback + .user-actions {
/* margin-left: 12px; */
margin-left: clamp(8px,1vw,12px);

.curseforge-header, main {
/* min-width: 1272px; */
min-width: 900px;

.curseforge-header {
/* padding: 0 24px; */
padding: 0 clamp(0px,1.5vw,24px);

a.btn-primary, a.btn-secondary, button.btn-primary, button.btn-secondary {
/* padding: 8px 16px; */
padding: 8px clamp(8px,1vw,16px);

.curseforge-header .user-area::before {
/* margin-right: 8px; */
margin-right: 0;

a.btn-single-icon, button.btn-single-icon {
/* width: 36px; */
width: clamp(32px,3vw,36px);

.curseforge-header .user-area {
/* margin-left: 16px; */
/* gap: 8px; */
margin-left: clamp(8px,1vw,16px);
gap: clamp(4px,0.5vw,8px);

.curseforge-header .user-area .user-avatar {
/* margin-left: 8px; */
margin-left: clamp(0px,.5vw,8px);

.sub-nav .sub-nav-inner {

.sub-nav .sub-nav-block:not(:first-child) {

.sub-nav .sub-nav-links-list {
grid-gap:8px clamp(46px,6vw,92px);
gap:8px clamp(46px,6vw,92px);

.site-footer .site-footer-nav nav > ul {
/* column-gap: 24px; */
column-gap: clamp(12px,2vw,24px);

.site-footer .site-footer-nav .logo {
/* margin-right: 136px; */
margin-right: clamp(64px,8vw,136px);

@media (max-width:1224px){
.site-footer .site-footer-nav .logo {
.site-footer .site-footer-nav nav {

@media (max-width:1100px) {
.curseforge-header .btn-feedback svg {
.curseforge-header .btn-feedback {
  • Dahk Celes
  • Dec 6 2022
  • Planned

Hold on!

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