add folders for sorting modpacks out incase you have like 50 modpacks downloaded, and there wont be clutter so you can have a folder for modpacks you have completed, and ones you have'nt completed (you have to create the folder)
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Ditto, this needs to be added!
Came to suggest this. Turn out I am not the first one. I even already commented on this issue over a year ago. CF-Team. The content creators that make content for your platform really need this! I still have 58 packs AFTER I deleted a bunch and archived the one si neede outside of CF. I can not rely on title hacks since more gets cut-off from the title the smaller I make the icons.
i have almost 30 modpacks, and sometimes i want to play a specific one, but it seems impossible to find it. I hope this gets added!
Hope they add this been thinking about this for months
This would be so useful. Since the font size does not scale with the icon size the very small icon sizes are useless for custom packs since you can not even read more than a few characters of the name.
Maybe a sideways list in the top row that show the most recent played packs and below that are packs and folders. I very often have to clean up my list and still end up with over 40 packs.