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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit CF-I-3467 The Sims 4 Feedback List.

My mods: Separate tray folder from mods folder Merged

When I open Curseforge app beta all my mods and sims 4 gallery downloads show up. It is hopless to find any specific mod. I suggest to sort the mod folder from the tray folder in the app or it will be very hard to keep an overview of my mods

  • Guest
  • Dec 6 2022
  • Planned
  • Guest commented
    December 08, 2022 02:30

    This! It's basically useless to me because there are thousands of items in my tray, and I think most long-term simmers will have the same organizational issue.

  • Helén Högstedt Berg commented
    December 07, 2022 04:19

    I agree, right now I feel like I can't use the Curseforge app for my mods since i have to scroll super far to even see them all in between my sims and houses

  • Guest commented
    December 06, 2022 23:39

    I am having the same problem except only the gallery items from my tray folder are showing up under the "my mods" tab, none of the actual script or package files or anything that is in my mods folder is showing up at all.

  • Guest commented
    December 06, 2022 23:07

    This!! It's pretty much unusable for me like this

  • Guest commented
    December 06, 2022 19:41

    Yes please! This was literally so overwhelming to open up the app and every single save file, house, and sim I've ever saved to my library was mixed together with my mods.

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