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Support Linux for Curseforge Launcher

Many many linux users play Minecraft, not only cause it's great but because there aren't many excellent games that support Linux. I'm trying to download RLCraft 2.9 today but being unable to load the Curseforge launcher is making this difficult. Please allow us to continue playing great mods by letting us use the Curseforge Launcher.

  • Guest
  • Dec 26 2021
  • Planned
  • Jan 5, 2023

    Admin response

    We do not have a set date yet but we do plan to add support for Linux, thanks for writing and voting!

  • Attach files
  • Linux 2023 commented
    July 28, 2023 16:19

    Okay we have WoW but the biggest strategy game is still missing: League of Legends. Works wonderful with Proton! in 2023 it feels like its running smoother than on windows which honestly many games feels like they are running better on linux than on its original operating system. Since Proton is so far actually including kernel feature esync/fsync there seems to be lesser overhead in the background. So add it to the roadmap please :-) Btw 5 of my active friends using linux as main system and gaming. My whole family including any sub family members are on linux, too. They're fascinated how smart it is to use linux in 2023. No one is looking backwards to windows anymore. Linux support for curseforge is really awesome ! THANKS!

  • Mesingel Empericae commented
    July 10, 2023 13:20

    Given the evergrowing popularity of modpacks such as RLCraft and Vault Hunters, I'd also like to ask for Linux support. I'll gladly go through the necessary hoops so the Curseforge Launcher can be released distribution independent! (Although judging from the WoW launcher, it seems like much has been figured out already?)


  • Rafael Maciel commented
    June 13, 2023 21:10

    Please me and my son want to play, but we use linux mint SO. The appimage RUNS but not work. Not recognize the oficial java minecraft instaled. Can someone help?

  • Asty Anax commented
    June 12, 2023 18:03

    when are you gonna support linux?

  • Asty Anax commented
    June 09, 2023 10:22

    Please, my friends all have windows and are able to play create and other mods/modpacks.

  • Guest commented
    April 21, 2023 20:19

    PLEASE do this.

  • Guest commented
    March 25, 2023 12:27

    honestly, i would be very happy if they did do it soon.

  • Guest commented
    February 25, 2023 17:50

    give minecraft now

  • Guest commented
    February 19, 2023 14:27

    Best alternative for Linux for now is ATLauncher. I am happy to still be able to play curse modpacks

  • Guest commented
    February 08, 2023 18:24

    CurseForge team i hope you get on this soon and when you do. From one coder to the next. I wish you luck and few bugs. <3

  • Hilton Silva commented
    January 08, 2023 02:49

    We have any alternatives to download curse modded for?

  • Lily Burks commented
    January 05, 2023 20:26

    with the steam deck being a thing you better support it sooner rather later

  • +123

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