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Automaticly launch when the computer is starting

Like anny other app (steam,discord,...) can starting when the session is oppen, but curseforge doesn't have this. This is why I ask this option can we activate or not the "automatic launch", and this good like me on windows (can be worked on MAC and LINUX too).

  • Guest
  • Dec 24 2023
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Lisa Dfz commented
    25 Aug 11:03am

    Sounds like a basic feature, I am disappointed it is not already implemented.

    WoW addons get updates almost every day so it would be great to have an automatic launch option.

  • Powl commented
    17 Feb 12:02am

    On a Windows system, place a link of the CurseForge.exe into:
    C:\Users\#username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

  • Powl commented
    16 Feb 11:47pm

    I swapped from the Overwolf-App to the Standalone for Win64 as i dont use Overwolf. In the standalone there is the whole "run on startup" option-section missing. if i remember correctly, in the Overwolf-App u were able to choose if it autostart and launch as window or in tray

  • Colby Prince commented
    25 Dec, 2023 08:24pm

    Looking at the Overwolf version of the app I see this option already exists, it just launches to the tray rather than opening a window.

    Can you clarify which version/edition/branch of the app you're using and whether you want it to launch with a window or a tray icon?

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