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I would love to see a mod that says you are beautiful,

like when the partner meets the love of his life and he or she wants to express how beautiful their partner is. Also I like to add is when a human sees a mermaid, like say like the mermaid shows herself as a mermaid to her partner and he/she, ask her questions about being a mermaid, and also mermaids loves to make things, we love to make jewelry, make things with seashells, wear shells, starfish in our hair, we love to tell stories, would be nice to see mermaids telling stories to kids, go to kids parties, maybe mermaids asks human questions about being human and what objects are, maybe when she swims with a human they could hold hands while swimming like Cleo and Lewis in H2O, making mermaid jewelry could be a skill to when someone is learning to be a mermaid. maybe have more interation with the dolphins, like swimming with them together, maybe holding onto the dolphins dorsal fin, maybe she / he could ask for a ride as one of the tricks. I hope these ideas inspire someone to come up with creations for it.

  • Guest
  • Mar 23 2023
  • Unrelated to CurseForge
  • May 24, 2023

    Admin response

    CurseForge is the platform/website creators upload their mods/addons to, we do not make them ourselves. If you wish to offer a feature to a certain mod/addon, you should contact its creator. If you wish for a new mod/addon to be made, you can look for a developer and suggest it to them, or learn how to make it yourself :]

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